The difference between a Counsellor, Psychologist and Clinical psychologist

The terms “counselor,” “registered psychologist,” and “clinical psychologist” refer to professionals in the mental health field, but they have different roles, qualifications, and scopes of practice. Here’s a brief overview of the distinctions:

  1. Counselor:

    • Role: Counselors, or mental health counselors, typically provide talk therapy and support to individuals or groups dealing with emotional, mental, or behavioral issues.
    • Qualifications: The educational requirements for counselors can vary, but they often hold a master’s degree in counseling or a related field. They may also have certifications or licenses depending on the region.
  1. Registered Psychologist:

    • Role: A registered psychologist is a professional trained to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of psychological issues. They may work with individuals, couples, families, or groups.
    • Qualifications: Psychologists typically hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in psychology. They must be registered or licensed by a regulatory body to practice. Psychologists often have expertise in various therapeutic approaches and psychological assessments.
  1. Clinical Psychologist:

    • Role: Clinical psychologists specialize in the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders and emotional issues. They often work with individuals who have more severe or complex psychological conditions.
    • Qualifications: Clinical psychologists have advanced training, usually holding a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in clinical psychology. They undergo supervised clinical experience and may have specialized training in specific therapeutic modalities or populations.

Under a Mental Health Care plan (Doctor referral), registered and clinical psychologist qualify for medicare rebate. However under some private insurance plans, counsellors qualify for rebate.