Online Webinars with COPE Founder, Dr Hugo Gonzales


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Trauma from a Psychodynamic Approach

Grief, Loss and Bereavement 

Explore how you can approach clients who present with traumatic backgrounds. This workshop will focus on early Relational trauma, how to recognize its sequelae or derivatives, and clinical interventions in response to it. Early trauma interferes with the development of certain capacities or ego strengths that are important in psychodynamic psychotherapy, e.g., tolerance of affect, especially of a disturbing nature, and the capacity for self-reflection. What do these capacities look like in the clinical situation.

Grief is a reality of life that we will experience when we go through a Loss. Grief is a natural response that may involve intense sadness, anger, shock or denial. A primary loss can be experienced as the ending of a relationship, while a secondary loss may be moving house as a consequence of the ending of the relationship and tertiary be the loss of a married identity. There are several models of Grief including Kubler-Ross’s, continuing bonds, Wanganeen’s, dual process, Worden’s and Bowlby’s model.  Additionally, Loss and Grief are experienced differently in cross-cultural context. 

To learn about costs and availabilities, enquire below.

Phone No: (08) 6556 6460
E-mail: [email protected]
Level 3, Suite 5/1111 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005